The Hero’s Journey

Event Details

A writing Workshop hosted by Sharon O’Neill.

Max participants – 20; Tickets €10 on the door or can be booked in advance by emailing

The Hero’s Journey workshop will explore the architecture of the epic tale, looking at the elements of the quest story or legend that speak to our own inner heroes and heroines.  It will identify the aspects of story that combine to create a satisfying story arc which inspires the listener while leaving them satisfied by the tale.  An understanding of the construction of an appealing story arc will help story listeners to experience story at a new level and help story writers along their creating and telling journey.  The first part of the workshop will focus on the relevant theory and story elements; the second part will allow for interactive development of stories-in-creation.  Participants are welcome to bring their story ideas as case studies for collaborative work.

Sharon O’Neill has more strings to her bow than a piano; a storyteller, wordsmith, talk tutor, volunteer teacher, also drama student, life coach and warrior queen! She is a Distinguished Toastmaster who is passionate about all aspects of public speaking, storytelling and supporting others to develop their creativity.